Hoist Roc-It Selectorized Lat Pulldown

The Hoist Roc-It Selectorized Lat Pulldown offers a unique challenge to your core muscles with its rocking forward movement of the torso. This machine also features swiveling stabilizer handles, adjustable seat, and bi-lateral functionality to accommodate users of all sizes. Engage your deltoid muscles and improve your overall strength with ease.

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By Hoist

Technical Specifications

Rocking forward movement of the torso during the exercise challenges core muscles while engaging an optimal range of deltoid muscle flexion
Swiveling stabilizer handles to accomodate varying user sizes
Bi-lateral functionality allows for single-arm exercising
Adjustable seat for varying user sizes

Physical Specifications

Product Width: 47.25" (120 cm)
Product Height: 56.50" (144 cm)
Product Length: 59.00" (150 cm)
Machine Weight: 526 lbs. (239 kg)


Commercial Warranty
Body/Frame: 10 Years
Structural Moving Parts: 5 Years
Bearings, Bushings, Pulleys: 3 Years
Finish/Paint, Cables,
Upholstery and Accessories: 1 Year
Applies to defects from manufacturer only.

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