How To Workout When It's Hot - Part 2
Hello, and welcome back to our blog here at Fitness Specialists. This is part two of our blog series about working out when it’s super hot outside. Most people absolutely hate the feeling of working out when it’s so hot, that’s why we’ve composed this list of things to try if you feel the same. Last time, we talked about staying near the water, doing afternoon or early morning workouts, and going to waterparks. If you have any questions or you’re ready to buy indoor fitness equipment, be sure to contact the experts at Fitness Specialists.
Find A Shady Spot
Although it’s not always an easy task to find a shady area to run or bike in in Odessa or Lubbock, you may live near a park or open space that has enough shade to keep you cool even on the hottest days.
Drink Plenty Of Fluids
One of the main reasons you may be unmotivated to workout when it’s hot is simply because you’re dehydration. According to Medical Daily, 75 percent of Americans suffer from chronic dehydration. The health implications of this can be catastrophic, but they’re made even worse when it’s so hot outside. Water and Gatorade are the only two things you should be drinking before and after a workout because they’re what will help you with staying hydrated and feeling great all day long — don’t drink soda!
Take A Trip
Taking a trip might be just the thing you need when it’s too hot to stay put. Try checking the weather reports and plan your trip accordingly so that you can spend the hottest days of the year on vacation. Just make sure that the place you’re going will be cooler and plan out your activities so that you aren’t sitting around not knowing what to do. This is a good opportunity to get a good workout in so don’t waste it!
Go For A Walk
You don’t need to do something high intensity in order to get a good workout, sometimes going for a nice walk is enough to do the trick. Of course, if you’re trying to gain muscle, this isn’t going to cut it for you, but if you’re just looking to lose weight, going for a long walk is enough to lose a decent amount of weight over several weeks. Just don’t expect to see as much progress as with a high-intensity cardio exercise like running, cycling, swimming, or rowing.
Contact Fitness Specialists Today
We’ve all experienced how awful it can be to have to work out when it’s excruciatingly hot outside — it’s not pleasant. However, there are options available to us and one of those is working out inside. Fitness Specialists has indoor fitness equipment available in Lubbock and Odessa so that you can not only avoid the heat by working inside but avoid the high cost of annual gym memberships at the same time. Contact us today to learn more!